Herbal Bath


Benefits of TANAMERA Herbal Bath

  • A traditional blend of highly aromatic herbs rich with essential oils and with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Contains a blend of warming herbs.
  • Refreshes, re-energizes, and deodorizes the body.
  • Soothes tired and aching muscles and relieves minor skin problems.
  • Promotes release of flatulence.



Nutmeg/Buah pala Tumeric/Kunyit Java tumeric/Temu lawak Betel nut palm/Buah pinang Citronella/Serai wangi
Vetiver/Akar wangi Cinnamon/Kayu manis Sepang wood/Pokok sepang Oak moss Pandan
Galangal/Lengkuas Lime/Limau nipis Blue tongue/Senduduk Pulasari wood/Kayu pulasari Kaffir lime/Limau purut


How to use

Step 1: Immerse 1 sachet in 2 liters of boiling water for 20 minutes. Step 2: Add extract to warm water. Soak in bath tub or use as final rinse.
OR use as a sponge bath. For sponge bath, start with your feet, and work your way up to upper body.
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