Postnatal Massage

Childbirth takes a huge toll on the mom. The longer and more difficult the delivery process, the greater the stress on the mom’s physical and emotional wellbeing. This is why a lot of emphasis is given to the new mom to help nurture her back to good health.
A mom who has just delivered a baby is believed to be “cold” and weak. She must be kept warm and massage is a must to boost her blood circulation and remove toxins and wind from her body.
Our postnatal care and massage services are conducted in the comfort and convenience of mom’s home, as postpartum moms will be in confinement and forbidden to leave the home. Our postnatal care and massage services include heat treatment (tungku), traditional Malay postnatal massage, application of Tanamera Calming Paste (pilis), Tanamera Firming Herbal Blend (tapel) paste on mom’s abdomen, wearing of abdominal wrap (bengkung) and full body rejuvenating and warming scrub (lulur).
Our services are designed to relieve tense muscles, help improve blood circulation, expel ‘lochia’ and trapped wind and toxins, to lift the womb and keep it from sagging, hasten the shrinking of the enlarged uterus, flatten the abdomen and break down stubborn body fat to its pre-pregnancy size and shape and speed up overall recovery. It also includes breast massage to help stimulate milk production and prevent blocked milk ducts. In addition, relaxing head, neck and shoulder massage helps the tired mom to relax and calm her senses. Many moms have enjoyed their confinement with the inclusion of our in-home postnatal care and massage services!
All moms will benefit from our postnatal care and massage services. For moms who have gone through normal birth, the postnatal service can start within the 1st week of birth. For moms who have gone through Caesaerian birth, the massage will only start once the external stitches are healed which is usually 14 days after delivery. Only light pressure will be applied on the abdomen of caesaerian moms.
Moms who sign up for longer packages also get to experience Herbal Steam Bath which helps speed up detoxification process, boost circulation and improves vaginal health.
Terms and Conditions
1. Postnatal massage will be held on consecutive days for maximum effectiveness.For 10 and 14 days packages,our therapists will break for 1-2 days to rest Mom’s body.
2. Price inclusive of Tanamera products required for the massage session.
3. Massage is conducted in the comfort and convenience of Mom’s home.
4. Our therapists are local Malay ladies with more than 10 years’ experience, trained and certified in traditional Malay prenatal and postnatal massage.
5. Please note we have a travel surcharge for locations more than 15km from our office in SS12 Subang Jaya.Surcharge will be at RM0.60 per km (2 ways ).For enquiries on surcharge computation please contact our customer service at or whatsapp 0129370966.
6. Full payment must be made before our therapists start the massage sessions.
7. Appointment cancellation or postponement must be communicated at least 6 hours before agreed appointment date and time.
8. Postnatal massage appointments will be scheduled on consecutive days and will be communicated to customer.
9. All massage packages must be utilized within 6 calendar months from purchase date.Unutilized sessions will be forfeited.Unutilized massage packages are non-transferable and non-refundable.
10. Payment made is not refundable but transferable.